What is mediation?
Mediation is a confidential process where a trained mediator assists parties to isolate the issues in dispute, develop options and consider alternatives to reach a resolution. It is a dispute resolution process which empowers parties to come to a mutually satisfactory solution with the assistance and guidance of the mediator.
There are broadly 2 different types of mediation, Facilitative mediation and Evaluative mediation .

Our mediation services
Full day mediation
Full day mediation is inclusive of separate day pre mediation conferences and two hours of preparation.
Half day mediation
Half day mediation is inclusive of separate day pre mediation conferences and two hours of preparation.
Co-Mediation with a Child Expert
Full day mediation with a child expert is inclusive of pre mediation conferences and two hours of preparation.
Property mediation
< $750k
We offer property mediation at a reduced rate for property pools of less than $750,000 (according to AIFLAM offerings).
Facilitative mediation
This is the most common model of mediation. In this model the mediator does not express a view. They facilitate a discussion between the parties and encourage the parties to explore each other’s needs and interests with the view to coming to a mutual agreement, based on sharing information and understanding each other’s point of view.
Evaluative Model mediation
This is a more robust model of mediation where the mediator takes a more active role in exploring the options available to the parties.
The evaluative model encompasses some evaluation of the positions adopted by the parties and evaluation of any proposals made for settlement.
If evaluative mediation is considered by the mediator to be of assistance, they will discuss that with the parties (and any legal representatives) before providing the evaluation.
Mediators do not give legal advice and their view cannot be taken as advice. Parties are always encouraged to obtain their own advice before taking further steps.
Benefits of mediation
Mediation offers many benefits to parties undergoing separation including:
- Mediation is cost effective – it is far less expensive than going to Court;
- It’s timely – you can resolve your dispute in a timely way, avoiding protracted and stressful litigation;
- Mediation provides certainty of outcome – you know what the result will be because you have agreed to it - it is not imposed on you by a Court;
- Mediation helps to preserves relationships – which is vitally important if you are to co-parent into the future;
- It’s flexible - you can attend with your lawyer or without your lawyer. It’s also confidential, so nothing that is raised in mediation can be used in Court proceedings (there are limited exceptions to this rule);
- Mediation is a more dignified process for everyone involved.
Future-focused mediation. Book today.
Ready to discuss how we can support you or your family law practice with exceptional mediation solutions? Book online and discover the difference Walker Webb can make in resolving family law disputes.
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