Mediation Process

Step 1

Check the booking calendar and once a date is agreed with the other party, book your mediation or call our office to discuss your needs.

Step 2

Mediation Agreement

We will ask you to complete a short questionnaire about the parties and the issues to be discussed at mediation.  A mediation agreement will be prepared by us and provided to you to sign.

Step 3

Intake Conference

You will then need to book a time (available times can be viewed on our website calendar) to talk to your mediator confidentially, without the other party present.  This is called an intake conference.  This will take around one hour for each party.  We will explain to you the mediation process and ask you some questions to understand the issues in dispute between yourself and the other party.  You will be able to ask questions and provide us with information that you believe is relevant.  This is a confidential discussion with each party and is conducted by video or telephone.

Step 4


The mediation will occur on the date and at the place agreed.  The mediation will either be in one room (joint conference) or in separate rooms (shuttle mediation) depending on the needs of the parties.  Mediation can also take place by ZOOM.

Please see our resources page for further information about the options available for rooms for mediation.  

Step 5


At the end of the mediation we aim to ensure you walk away with a mediation agreement. This is a reflection of what is agreed at mediation.

If you are legally represented your lawyer will then assist you by drafting the mediated agreement into a consent order to be considered by the Court and do whatever else you instruct them to do to legally formalise the agreement you have reached. 

If you are not represented we can refer both of you to separate independent lawyers who can give you your own individual advice and help draft the agreement into consent orders to be filed in the Court (or whatever other agreement your matter may require).

Future-focused mediation. Book today.

Ready to discuss how we can support you or your family law practice with exceptional mediation solutions? Book online and discover the difference Walker Webb can make in resolving family law disputes.