Mediation Fees
Full Day Mediation
9.30am – 5pm
$2000 per party
$4000 total fee
All prices include GST
This fee applies to mediation booked to occur after 1 May 2025
- Up to 2 hours travel time each way (from Brisbane CBD). Mediation can also take place via Zoom.
- Pre mediation conference before mediation via telephone – up to 1 hour each
- Up to 2 hours reading and preparation
- Drafting a mediation agreement where parties are self represented
- In the event the mediator assesses that mediation is inappropriate to proceed (after the mediator conducts pre mediation conferences with both parties), a $600 flat fee will be charged to the parties in lieu of the full mediation fee. A Dispute Resolution Certificate will issue, if applicable, in this circumstance.
Half Day Mediation
9.00am - 1.00pm or 1.00pm - 5.00pm
$1300 per party
$2600 total fee
All prices include GST
This fee applies to mediation booked to occur after 1 May 2025
- Up to 2 hours travel time each way (from Brisbane CBD). Mediation can also take place via Zoom.
- Pre mediation conference before mediation via telephone – up to 1 hour each
- Up to 2 hours reading and preparation
- Drafting a mediation agreement where parties are self represented
- In the event the mediator assesses that mediation is inappropriate to proceed (after the mediator conducts pre mediation conferences with both parties), a $600 flat fee will be charged to the parties in lieu of the full mediation fee. A Dispute Resolution Certificate will issue, if applicable, in this circumstance.
If mediation extends beyond 5 hours, the full day rate applies
- Additional charge if Full Day or Half Day Mediation goes beyond allocated time - flat fee of $550 (including GST)
- Additional charge if there is more than two parties to the mediation - $550 per additional party (including GST)
Fixed Fee Mediation for Small Property Pools
In accordance with AIFLAM offering
Full day 9.30am – 5pm
$1186.50 per party
$2373 total fee
All prices include GST
We offer a reduced rate for small property pools (total property including superannuation under $750,000). This fee is set by AIFLAM (for mediators willing to participate) and is fixed at $2373 inclusive of GST.
Conditions as follows:
- The combined property of both parties to be divided (including superannuation) is less than $750,000. Both parties must agree that the pool is less than $750,000 at the time of booking the mediation to qualify for the reduced rate.
- Up to 2 hour travel time each way (from Brisbane CBD). Mediation can also take place via Zoom.
- Pre mediation Conference before mediation via telephone – half an hour to one hour each.
- Up to 2 hours reading and preparation.
- Drafting a mediation agreement where parties are self represented.
- The usual additional flat fee applies if the mediation proceeds beyond the set hours.
You must email us at the time of booking to advise that this is an AIFLAM Fixed Fee Mediation for small property pools.
Child Inclusive Co-Mediation with a Child Expert
Full Day Mediation
9.30am – 5pm
$2750 per party
$5500 total fee
All prices include GST
This model involves an experienced child expert interviewing the child/children on the morning of mediation, followed by mediation with the parties, the child expert and the mediator. The children do not attend the mediation session, only the interviews. The child expert will convey to the parties the concerns and priorities of the child/ren in the process. We have access to a variety of child experts all of whom work in the family law arena including Mr Dan O’Toole and Ms Lizanne Pllu. Their curriculum vitae are available by emailing us at
- Up to 2 hours travel time each way (from Brisbane CBD). This mediation model can take place via ZOOM although in person is preferable where safe and appropriate.
- Pre mediation conference before mediation via telephone - up to one hour each.
- Up to 2 hours reading and preparation.
- Includes interviews for up to 3 children on the morning of mediation. If there are more than 3 children to be interviewed, cost will vary (please email us regarding same).
- Drafting a mediation agreement where parties are self represented.
- In the event the mediator assesses that mediation is inappropriate to proceed (after the mediator conducts pre mediation conferences with both parties), a $600 flat fee will be charged to the parties in lieu of the full mediation fee. A Dispute Resolution Certificate will issue, if applicable, in this circumstance.
Please EMAIL US at prior to booking this style of mediation through our website. We will need to liaise with our child experts before committing to a time, where everyone is available for mediation.
Co-Mediation with
a Child Expert
Full Day Mediation
9.30am – 5pm
$2750 per party
$5500 total fee
All prices include GST
This model is used in parenting matters where the parties desire the assistance of a child expert together with a mediator. We have access to a variety of child experts all of whom work in the family law arena including Mr Dan O’Toole and Ms Lizanne Pllu. Their curriculum vitae are available by emailing us at
- Up to 2 hour travel time each way (from Brisbane CBD). Mediation can also take place via Zoom.
- Pre mediation conference before mediation via telephone – up to one hour each.
- Up to 2 hours reading and preparation.
- Drafting a mediation agreement where parties are self represented.
- The usual additional flat fee (times 2) applies if the mediation proceeds beyond the set hours.
- In the event the mediator assesses that mediation is inappropriate to proceed (after the mediator conducts pre mediation conferences with both parties), a $600 flat fee will be charged to the parties in lieu of the full mediation fee. A Dispute Resolution Certificate will issue, if applicable, in this circumstance.
Please EMAIL US at prior to booking this style of mediation through our website. We will need to liaise with our child experts before committing to a time, where everyone is available for mediation.
Issuing an invitation to the other party to mediate/engage in Family Dispute Resolution
All prices include GST
- Send an invitation to the other party to mediate / engage in Family Dispute Resolution
- Issuing a Section 60i Certificate, if required
- This fee is not charged where the other party accepts the invitation to mediate and mediation proceeds (before a certificate issues.)
- If mediation does proceed, a Section 60i Certificate will also issue if required and this fee is not payable
Pre mediation conference fee where mediation does not proceed
All prices include GST
- If the mediator conducts pre mediation conferences with the parties and the mediation does not proceed (for example the matter settles before the mediation date) a set fee of $330 per pre mediation conference will be charged to the party who attended the pre mediation conference.
- This fee is only charged if no cancellation fee is charged under other terms.
Room hire
Parties may chose to have mediation at their solicitors offices.
Where that is not available/appropriate we can book for you (at cost to the parties) mediation space, including
- Inns of Court Brisbane
- Queensland Law Society
There are various other options available for us to book on your behalf. Prices vary but are usually between $300 to $450 per day for all required rooms and are to be paid up front by the parties prior to the mediation in accordance with our payment terms.
A deposit of $500 is payable (by direct debit into our bank account) within 7 days of booking to secure the date in our diary. The date is secured upon receipt of cleared funds.
The balance of the mediation fee (less deposit) is payable 14 clear days prior to your mediation or your deposit is forfeited.
Cancellation Policy
We understand that there will be times when a mediation needs to be cancelled or rescheduled.
Cancellations may be done by phoning us on 1300 261 948 or emailing us at
We require a minimum of 14 days clear notice to cancel a mediation without a fee. If you cancel between 7 and 14 clear days of the mediation you will be charged 25% of the mediation fee.
If you cancel less than 7 days prior to the mediation you will be charged 50% of the mediation fee.
We will invoice you a cancellation fee invoice within 7 days of you cancelling your mediation event. The fee is due to be paid within 7 days. The fee will be apportioned to be payable by both parties in equal shares, unless other arrangements are agreed between you.
If there is illness, we will re-book your mediation at a mutually convenient date and credit you the cancellation fee towards your new mediation booking. This credit must be used within 12 months
Future-focused mediation. Book today.
Ready to discuss how we can support you or your family law practice with exceptional mediation solutions? Book online and discover the difference Walker Webb can make in resolving family law disputes.
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